Are you being ignored by employers?

I’ve been told as long as I’ve been in radio that it’s easier to find a new job while you’re still working.  Why don’t employers look to available talent when looking to fill a job?  In response to my Blogs I’ve seen comments like “As a business owner it is very difficult to find good help or even decent applicants!” and “While there are some very talented Floridians out of work, there are many perpetually unemployed for good reasons.”

Others have argued that employers aren‘t “paying enough to attract them. Most that have done well in their career, have a safety net or are working freelance to find another job worthy of their skill level. He’s trying to find diamonds at the lime pit.  That’s why he doesn’t find what he is looking for, I must get 5 awesome resumes a day.”

Whatever the individual reason, most of what I’ve seen is proactive job seekers willing to work and trying to land any type of paycheck to survive.  As it stands now, companies that are rejecting candidates simply because they’ve been out of work for a year or more are not breaking the law.  But with job ads touting that a candidate “must be currently employed” in order to be considered for a job the legality of banning the unemployed will be tested.  The Miami Herald is reporting that there is a movement underway to ban discrimination against the jobless.  In Florida, Senate Minority Leader Nan Rich has introduced a bill that would ban businesses from discriminating against the unemployed.  Last April the state of New Jersey passed a similar ban on companies that were discriminating against the unemployed.  President Obama wants to make discrimination against the long-term unemployed illegal on a Federal level.  But for now, ignoring candidates simply because they’re unemployed is still happening.  As of December there were still over 900,000 people in Florida out of work.

Our Governor, Rick Scott, ran on a campaign platform of “Let’s Get To Work” and he promised 700,000 jobs.  In a January accounting of Scott’s campaign promise, The Tampa Bay Times’ PolitiFact finds that he still has a lot of work to do.  At first Scott promised a certain number of jobs would come from a few specific targets.  Now, according to PolitiFact, Scott is looking to create jobs from any and all sources.  So far each month he has added jobs for total of about 100,000 new jobs to the state.

I was out of work for exactly six months.  I know how difficult it can be, day after day, sending out resumes and getting ZERO response.  What I learned from the experience was that you can’t rely on anyone else.  You have to create opportunity for yourself by networking and being open to whatever comes your way.  I ended up in a place I didn’t target, exactly, but it turned out to be the best move for my career and an amazing opportunity.  There is hope.  There is a job out there for you but YOU have to get out there by whatever means possible and find it.  Be open to opportunity and it may just find you.

Keep the Faith!
Corey Dylan

Movement to ban jobless discrimination gaining steam

PolitiFact Florida: Rick Scott jobs promise strays from campaign rhetoric

What Doesn’t Kill You…?

It turns out that there may actually be an Upside to Unemployment and there’s research to back it up!  Losing a job, moving, even divorce – when life comes at you hard you just have to tell yourself “it’s temporary” because new research suggests that the hard times do, in fact, make you stronger.  You will come through this difficult time and be better for the experience.

Going through something difficult, science has found, changes your body and mind so the next time something comes at you sideways you’re less likely to be overwhelmed.  I think this may be why I handled my recent unemployment like a break and a chance to reinvent myself the second time around.  I wasn’t as stressed as I was ten years ago when I was told my by employer that they were “moving in another direction” that didn’t include me.

Be grateful for the difficulties of your past because they’ve instilled coping skills, hopefully you built a network of people you can turn to and lean on and you’ve even experienced “cell growth in brain areas relevant for coping.”  These are all things your next employer will benefit from!

Read more:
If your job loss is recent or if you’ve been looking so long you don’t remember the last time you were late to a meeting there’s always an opportunity to make sure you’ve covered your bases and you’re up on the “latest” when it comes to the job hunt, your resume, and interview skills.

Even though I’ve landed a great job I’m still working on my website, looking for ways develop my skills to make more money in my field, and networking.  Networking continues to be the most important thing you can do and there are so many more ways to network then there were just a few years ago.  Social Media is here for good, and because of it, employers now want to see you & sometimes hear from you, in addition to seeing what you look like on paper.

This article on Career Builder has great tips on how to make yourself relevant to the employer in the year 2012!

It’s a new year and you WILL land that new job.  Be open to change.  Be flexible.  Be determined.

Keep the faith!

Corey Dylan

You’re fired. Merry Christmas!

This week’s news was the people that give us the news: The Tampa Tribune and reported they were laying off 165 people.  I don’t know why companies lay off workers during the holidays but it hurts to see it, especially in our community that just keeps taking the hits in this Recession.  Among the laid off staffers was 35-year vet and Tribune Media Critic, Walt Belcher. Read more about Mr. Belcher:
I actually remember a time when people were fired only for “cause.”  These days everyone I know that’s lost their job has been “downsized” or “reduced” due to no fault of their own.  Big brother found someone or some way to do business cheaper and with the stroke of a key orders are given and people are left stunned with the news of their unemployment.  Unfortunately, it’s the world we live in right now and we just have to figure out a way to function in it.

Having very recently been on the unemployment line myself I can’t tell you it’s an easy process.  There are ups and downs and worries and small celebrations.  But what I can tell you is it’s a chance to breathe and reinvent yourself.  Take that moment to breathe and then GO FOR IT.  I kept this Blog during my search and it helped to keep me on track, share my story with those who were in the same situation, and move forward in the most positive way I knew how.  I hope you’ve found it an inspiration and a resource for information that can help you survive your unemployment and land your next job.  I know it meant a lot to me to hear from people that were in the same boat who eventually landed a job!

Perhaps some of my success is due to the fact that I was so vocal about my job loss and very transparent about it by posting the news publicly on all my Social Media profiles.
Today 89% of firms are using Social Media to find candidates, according to Jobvite.  The best time to finesse your  public profiles is before you need to look for that job but if you are looking you must make sure your resume is up to date and your profiles are searchable and visible to employers that may be looking for you.  If you’re not on LinkedIN yet, the site most companies are using to recruit, take the weekend to check it out and see what your competition is doing.  Include your job history since profiles with multiple jobs listed are 12 times more likely to be viewed than those with just one.  Make sure to add a great profile photo too because your click-through rate will increase 7 times!  And don’t forget to add keywords in your summary that are important in your industry so that you’ll come up in employer searches.  I looked to others in my industry to see what they were doing successfully and tried to measure up!
I don’t know how much I believe in “fate” but landing a job at WFLA was probably the best thing that could have happened to me personally and professionally.  AM Tampa Bay is definitely a step up in my career and a chance to do things I’ve never done before!  And with every job I’ve been terminated from I find there’s always something better on the other side of unemployment.  I’m sure there is for you too!  Surround yourself with cheerleaders because you’re going to need them.  Uncertainty isn’t easy and we’re living in hard times but the more quickly you make your new “job” finding your NEXT job you’re going to land it.  Best of luck!!!

Should you give up the work search during the holidays?

It’s been a busy, successful and exciting first week at 970 WFLA. I’m learning a lot in an environment full of creative, supportive and really nice people. Right now I’m learning how to “dance” with two new partners and looking forward to the new challenges that will make me a better broadcaster.

I also want to take the time to again thank everyone who supported my search and congratulated me in landing this great gig. Believe it or not, I’m actually waking up at 3:30am each morning EXCITED to get to work. I’m having a blast and have a renewed love for what I do.

The day after I started at “AM Tampa Bay” word came that applications for unemployment aid dropped to a nine month low. This could be interpreted as a sign that our economy is getting stronger and employers are getting read to step up hiring new employees! I hope so anyway. The unemployment rate has now fallen to 8.6% nationally.

I think a common belief is that the holidays aren’t a good time to look for a job. While it’s true that people take vacations during the months of November and December, new budgets have only recently been set and you can be sure that there will be new hires after the first of the year so send that resume now!

Meanwhile, Congress is still debating whether to extend the benefits program. They’re running out of time to make that decision. If they don’t extend the length of time which you can receive benefits nearly 2 million people will lose them all together (out of the nearly 6.6 million currently getting unemployment).

My advice to you is to keep up the pursuit of your next job, even during this time of year. Make noise while others “take time off” from looking. And GO to those holiday parties where you’ll have a chance to network, meet new people and make new connections. Get business cards and phone numbers and follow up! 75% of new jobs come from a referral. Can you imagine a better time of year to mingle and get that referral? I can’t so go for it! People noticed that I was relentless in pursuit of a new job. They’ll notice if you are too.

Keep The Faith!

Corey Dylan

I start my NEW JOB tomorrow!

It is with excitement and awe that I tell you that I’ve accepted an offer from Clear Channel Radio to work here in Tampa at 970 WFLA AM every weekday morning on “AM Tampa Bay” from 5am until 9am. With the state of radio on shaky ground, I can tell you News/Talk radio is the perfect place for me to start the next phase of my broadcasting career. I will be sitting third chair to two men whose broadcasting careers are the stuff of legend in this business!

Jack Harris has been dominating the Tampa Bay airwaves for decades. Jack has worked the mic for The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, The Tampa Bay Storm, The Outback Bowl, and WLFA for years. At one point Jack’s career took him to Washington D.C. where he worked along side Willard Scott! He’s an American Vet and a really smart man! I plan to have a dictionary handy when Jack throws out the big words. 😉

Tedd Webb bleeds everything that Tampa Bay is. Born and raised in Cigar City, Tedd has been worked as a DJ, Sportscaster, and Talk Show Host during his decades in radio and even worked along side the legendary Scott Shannon and Cleveland Wheeler at the famous “Q Morning Zoo.” Tedd is a quick wit, a survivor and a fighter, in the nicest sense of the word.

Both Jack and Tedd are award-winning broadcasters and I expect to learn a lot, and laugh a lot, working with them. Our chemistry seems effortless and I have so much respect for the men they are and the work they do at WFLA. In addition to Jack and Tedd, I’ll be working with Producer Ethan Youker and Program Director Steve Versnick. This is a dream team, as far as I’m concerned!

So what am I doing there? Little known fact: I have a degree in Broadcast Journalism and I bring more than 15 years broadcast experience to the table from TV & Radio News Rooms and broadcast studios – the last 9 years of which I’ve spent in Tampa. “AM Tampa Bay” is committed to the issues the residents of Tampa Bay face on a daily basis and will continue to bring you the information you need to make informed decisions in your community and in your life. Your concerns, your family, and your health and happiness are issues we want to talk about.

I’m humbled by the support I’ve received from so many on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIN and I want you to know how much I appreciate it!!! I hope you’ll join us weekday mornings on 970 WFLA AM from 5am until 9am. Here are the numbers to call us LIVE:

Hillsborough: 813-990-9352
Pinellas: 727-461-9352
Toll-Free: 800-969-9352

You can listen LIVE every day here:

And I hope you’ll follow us on Facebook so that we can get to know YOU:!/AMTampaBay

As a side note, I wanted to let those of you that still need the inspiration and resources I’ve shared in my weekly Blog that I will continue to write for you! TheUPsidetoUnemployment lives on until you don’t need it anymore!
Keep the Faith and tune in tomorrow morning for my first day on “AM Tampa Bay” on 970 WFLA AM!!!

Corey Dylan